Learning how to relax can help you look after your mental health.

Have a look at these tips and ideas from the mental health charity, Mind to see how relaxation can fit into your daily life.

Don’t worry if some ideas don’t work for you – just enjoy the ones that do.

8 Relaxation Tips

  1. Take a break

  2. Focus on your breathing

  3. Listen to music

  4. Picture yourself in a relaxing place

  5. Active relaxation with gentle exercise e.g. yoga, guided relaxation or meditation exercises

  6. Get creative

  7. Spend time in nature

Watch this video from Mind to explore more ways of relaxing for your wellbeing.

Did you know? 

Leeds Autism Services provide support to promote good mental health as part of our specialist packages; we work closely with health professionals to develop strategies to help people overcome mental health problems, and have multi-sensory rooms in our bases. Click the button below to find out more. 

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