On Monday 13th October 2020 the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson announced a three-tier strategy for local lockdown measures for England, to reduce rising Covid-19 rates. 

The three tiers are Tier 1 Medium, Tier 2 High, and Tier 3 Very High levels.

Leeds is currently in Tier 2 - High level.

What Do The Levels Mean?

Tier 1 - Medium Alert:

  • Rule of Six applies, which means socialising in groups larger than six people is prohibited indoors or outdoors
  • All businesses and venues can continue to operate
  • 10pm curfew on pubs and restaurants
  • Schools, universities & places of worship remain open
  • Weddings and funerals can go ahead with current restrictions of numbers attending
  • Exercise classes & organised sport can continue to take place outdoors, and if the rule of six is followed indoors.

Tier 2 - High Alert:

In addition to Medium level rules

  • People are prohibited from socialising with anybody outside their household or support bubble in an indoor setting
  • The rule of six applies for socialising outdoors
  • Travel is permitted to amenities that are open, for work or to access education, but people are advised to reduce the number of journeys where possible

Tier 3 - Very High Alert:

  • People are prohibited from socialising with anybody they do not live with, or have not formed a support bubble with, in any indoor setting, private garden or at most outdoor hospitality venues & ticketed events
  • Unless serving main meals, pubs and bars must close
  • Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions but wedding receptions are not allowed
  • No mixing of households/bubbles inside or outdoors
  • Rule of Six applies outside
  • Avoid travelling outside of local area
  • Avoid overnights stays in another park of UK
  • Local authority will decide whether to close gyms, leisure centres etc.

Watch The Video 

Hands, Face, Space

There are 3 simple actions we must all do to keep on protecting each other

  • Wash Hands - keep washing your hands regularly
  • Cover Face - wear a face covering in enclosed spaces
  • Make Space - stay at least 2 metres apart