Priority for vaccination
If you are autistic, but do not have a ‘severe or profound’ learning disability, you are probably not in a priority group for vaccination. This means that, unless you have any serious physical health conditions, you will only be prioritised by age group. You can find out which age groups can get the vaccination on the NHS booking page

Some professions, such as health and social care workers, are eliglible for vaccination, regardless of their age. If you work in one of these professions, your employer should have provided details about how to book an appointment. If you are unsure whether you are eligible for vaccination because of the job you do, or if you think you should have been invited for a vaccination because of your job, you should speak to your employer. 

Being invited for your vaccination
Invitation letters are sent out automatically. Your invitation is based on medical information which the NHS have about you, and is linked to your NHS number. This will include information such as your age, and any health conditions which would make you a higher priority for vaccination. Invitations are not just sent by post. You should be contacted by email and text message too if your GP has this information. This means it is very unlikely anyone will get missed, so try not to worry.

Booking your vaccination
The booking system won’t let you make an appointment until you’ve received an invitation. Again, this is because it is based on information held on your medical records.

The invitation will contain all the information you need about how to book, but if you're autistic and are having difficulty with booking or attending an appointment, you can ask your GP for reasonable adjustments (see below).

Reasonable adjustments
If you are diagnosed as autistic, you can ask for reasonable adjustments once you have received your invitation. This might include getting help with making the booking, arranging to have the vaccination at your GP surgery or another venue, or being accompanied by someone else when you go for your vaccination. You can find out more about reasonable adjustments by clicking here.

Booking for your 2nd dose
Most booking systems will allow you to book an appointment for your 2nd dose of the vaccine at the same time you book your first. It is very, very unlikely that you would miss the opportunity to get your 2nd vaccination, so try not to worry about it. If you don’t book both appointments at the same time, you may want to mark your calendar 12 weeks after your first vaccination, and if you haven’t heard anything by then, contact the GP surgery.

Sometimes, you might be invited to attend an appointment earlier than the one you have made. This is to try and prevent any of the vaccine from being wasted, and it is your decision whether or not you choose to go to an earlier appointment.

Still not sure? 
If you're still not sure about things, or need any help or advice, please contact us, and we'll do our best to help. 

Photo by Leio McLaren ( on Unsplash