Beyond Words - Having a Vaccine for Coronavirus Beyond Words are a UK based charity and produce fantastic picture stories and illustrated guides to support people with learning disabilities and autism through the coronavirus pandemic. They have recently published a picture based information booklet about getting the Covid-19 Vaccine. People who can’t read or who don’t like written words are often very good at reading pictures. That’s why there are no words in Beyond Words picture stories. Their books all tell a story, but they also let the reader tell their own story – the one they see in the pictures. This can tell you a lot about a person’s inner world and their understanding of situations. There is plenty to talk about and each story explores feelings and relationships as well as giving information. All the pictures used in Beyond Word' books are tested by people who find pictures easier than words, to make sure they are easy to understand. You can read the information booklet here, or click the image below. Manage Cookie Preferences