Many of us have hair of many kinds be this on our heads or faces. Hair can come in many different lengths, styles, textures and colours, with many ways to help maintain it. No matter the type of hair you have it is important to help keep it healthy to help prevent excessive hair loss. 

Many autistic people can have sensory issues related to their hair. These include: 

  • Feeling uncomfortable or off balance having their heads tilted forward or back to wash their hair. 
  • Sensitive scalps, or sensitive to their hair being touched, brushed, ‘feel painful’.
  • The smell of certain haircare products such as shampoo and conditioner. 
  • The sound of hair clippers, hair dryers or water splashing in the shower.

Read our guide for autism friendly ways to help look after your hair, so it stays with you into the future.


Did you know? 

Leeds Autism Services can provide activities which promote good physical health and regular exercise as part of our specialist support packages. Click the button below to find out more. 


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