We want to give a voice to autistic people, and help improve autism understanding... and we need YOU to help! 

Whether you're an autistic person, professional, parent, or carer with experience of autism, we'd love you to take part in our monthly podcast. 

What does involve? 

The podcast is usually recorded over the phone, and lasts around 20 minutes. 

It is a very informal chat and our host, Craig, always does his best to make people feel at ease. 

How do I take part? 

Just click the button below and fill out the short form. 

After you've submitted the form, Craig will get in touch to arrange a time and date for the call which suits you. 

You won't be pressured to take part, and you can change your mind at any time. 

I'm interested

What will I talk about? 

There isn't usually a specific thing we want to talk about other than autism; we want people to share their own experiences and stories, and if you've got anything in particular you'd like to discuss we'd love to hear it. 

Craig will ask questions, but the podcast is in a very conversational style, so there's no pressure on people to perform. 

You can listen to podcast episodes by clicking the button below. 

Listen Now

What if I'm not happy with my podcast recording? 

We'll let you have a listen through your podcast before we publish, it if you want to - although a lot of people don't like listening back to themselves. 

If you are unhappy with a podcast you have taken part in, we won't publish it, and if you change your mind afterwards we can always remove the podcast. 

How will people be able to listen to my podcast? 

Our podcast is available on Spotify for free. We also share new episodes across our social media channels and on our website.