Support us <Inspire with a video, quotation, image or story to convince visitors to take the next step> Autism is a lifelong neurological condition that is ‘hidden’ from the naked eye. LAS provides essential support and daily living skills for people with a diagnosis of autism. LAS supports service users across the whole of the autism spectrum- from people with complex, co-morbid needs to individuals who live independently in the community. We are a registering charity and our budgets are getting tighter and tighter every year. As time progresses, the need for more of our income to come through funding and donations also increases. Without funding and your donations we will cease to exist/ not able to provide a service. Without help from LAS some very vulnerable people often marginlised in society would be finding life extremely challenging and rather miserable. The world can be a frightening place for people on the autism spectrum and without support they would become more isolated and it would be very likely to exacerbabate mental health problems. LAS supports service users with life skills, communication and social skills. Daily living skills can include essential support with: using public transport, accessing the community, shopping, cooking - plus many more. We offer a person-centered approach to care. Some service users with complex needs also requires support with personal care. How to support us Give a brief description and call to action for each activity or sub-activity; this may be a link to the specific section on your site. Depending on your charity and website structure, these summaries of the ways to support may be more or less specific. Include inspiring images. Ways to support us: Make a Donation Create a Fundraising event Leave a legacy or Gift in your Will Volunteer Partner with us Our supporters Case studies / stories: if more than one, vary the range of backgrounds / activities to appeal to a broader audience. Spread the word! Get your friends together and (for example): Fundraise together Volunteer together Download our Fundraising pack Manage Cookie Preferences