People communicate to each other in lots of different ways. Studies show that between 70-93% of our communication is done through non-verbal means.

A lot of people think of communication as our ability to speak, and this can be problematic. Some people with disabilities such as autism, hearing impairment or cerebral palsy might not be able to use spoken words, but this does not mean that they cannot express themselves or understand what people are saying.

Around 40% of autistic people are thought to be non-verbal or don’t use speech as their preferred method of communication, and all autistic people have differences in how they communicate and understand other people.

Read our guide on the different forms of non - verbal communication, to help you be more inclusive in your communication.


Did you know? 

Leeds Autism Services support autistic people to take part in stimulating, enjoyable activities which give people a sense of purpose, and helps them give back to their communities. Click the button below to find out more about our support services. 


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