Every year Autism Awareness Week celebrates the achievements and accomplishments of people with autism, in addition to providing the opportunity to highlight the obstacles that many autistic people face.

Increasing our understanding of autism, and promoting an inclusive society that transforms both the quality and availability of opportunities for people to participate in and contribute to has some incredible benefits for all to enjoy, including but not limited to:

  • Improved mental health
  • Increased acceptance of diversity
  • Added value in the workforce

You can find out more about a variety of events taking place over the next week in our Wellbeing Guide below, including:

  • LAS Events
  • Super 7 Challenge
  • Autism in the workplace: Challenging 5 common assumptions
  • An Autism Q&A webinar
  • Inclusion in the workplace: Challenges and Opportunities in a post-pandemic world
  • Autism Awareness Week Quizzes

Whatever you decide to do this Autism Awareness Week, we hope you have fun!

Credit for Banner Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash