We have resumed our Virtual Walk challenge for the New Year.

On our last count on Monday 4th January: we'd completed 1,607,587 steps and walked a total of 663.5 miles, from our starting point at Land’s End.

Progress This Week


We’ve walked a further 157,795 steps, bringing our total step count to 1,765,382.


We’ve completed a further 68.36 miles,  

Bringing our grand total to 731.86 miles.

We’re at Marker Number 46) Loch Moy - Moy Wind Farm set at 720 miles walked.

We’re in the Geographic Centre of Scotland! 

Location Map

Follow the route of our adventure by viewing our Google Maps location map. You can even use google street view to virtually see all the locations we visit and see cool photographs of each place marker. 

Location Guide

In this weeks location guide, we visit route markers 43. Geographic Centre of Scotland to 46. Loch Moy passing through the stunningly beautiful Cairngorms National Park.  

Find out about the Highland Wildlife Park including Hamish, the first polar bear to be born in the UK and watch their live snow monkey webcam.

We have now reached the village of Moy where they host the annual Highland Fields sports day. 

How Far Do We Have Left To Go?

We have 115.14 miles left to go until we reach our finish point of John O’Groats. 

Keep going team, we dont have far to go now! 

How Will We Celebrate The Finish?

We are starting to make plans for how we will celebrate the completion of our challenge. Everyone that has taken part will each receive a certificate of achievement plus we hope to make a celebratory video of all our efforts over the past few months. This will be shared on our website and social media pages to show supporters our group achievement.

If you would like to be included, please get in touch [email protected] 


Check out our fantastic fundraiser pages to support us to reach our goal! www.las.uk.net/Pages/Fundraisers/ 

Keep on going with all your fundraising efforts, we really do appreciate every penny donated to us and all donations go back into te service to improve facilities and provide exciting, new activities. 

Your Snowy Pictures!

Check out our fundraisers efforts this week - 

  • David completed 7,299 steps at Gallows Hill Wetlands in Otley with Martin
  • Bartosh walked 11.7KM with Dawn
  • Joseph submitted another 3000 steps from his family walks this week
  • Jack had a muddy walk and completed 5.4 miles at Esholt Woods with Olivia
  • Michael went for a jog with Roxy round Crossflatts park and even stopped for a spot of aerobics
  • Trish and Kerry ended up with a wopping 9 miles of steps this week 

Claire in our Admin team sent us these stunningly snowy photo's of her latest walk in the snow and Dale with his cute pooch. Go Team!