The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is holding a public consultation on whether to make Covid-19 vaccinations compulsory for staff in residential care homes. You can take part by completing a survey.

What is the survey about?

To increase vaccine take up, the government is considering changing the law. 

This would mean older adult care home providers could only use those staff who have received the COVID-19 vaccination, unless they are unable to have the vaccination for medical reasons. 

This would incude any care homes which have one resident or more over the age of 65.  

Click here to find out more about the proposals.

Who do they want to hear from?

This is a public consultation, so anyone can take part, but they particularly want to hear from: 

  • People who live in care homes
  • The families of people who live in care homes
  • Friends of people who live in care homes
  • Staff who work in care homes
  • Health care providers
  • Care home providers

When does the survey end? 

The deadline for responding to the consultation is Friday 21 May 2021.

How do I take the survey? 

You can take the survey by clicking here.

Banner photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash