Covid-19 Scam Text Message

We are aware of a scam text message which is in circulation regarding Covid-19 Vaccine. The text contains a link, and reads similar to:
‘NHS: We have identified that you are eligible to apply for your vaccine. For more information, and to apply, follow here:’

The link provides an official looking NHS form and bank details are requested.

This is a scam, and payment is not required for the official vaccine. 

The advice is to delete the message – or if possible take a screen shot image of the text message, block the sender and report to Action Fraud via their website. 

If a vulnerable person you know appears to be a repeat victim, targeted via telephone, mail or doorstep from traders offering too good to be true offers and discounts please get in touch with West Yorkshire Trading Standards. Their Scams team can offer preventative advice, and may be able to install call blockers as well as other options to prevent individuals becoming victims of scams.

For any further information, please get in touch at [email protected]