We've made the front page of the Yorkshire Evening Post!

Thanks to Rachel, sister of Christopher who has lived with us at Ashlar House for nearly 30 years, we're on the front page of today's Yorkshire Evening Post. She kindly contacted the paper to recognise the hard and dedication of the wonderful staff team, who have cared for her brother throughout the covid-19 pandemic.

Rachel, who lives in Switzerland and has been unable to travel to visit her brother for over 12 months, says:

"I was so worried about Covid because he has these incredible routines

It is just such a relief to know that the staff at Ashlar House keep him and everyone else safe and happy. They are just total unsung heroes.

It is not just a job to them, they have really put their hearts and souls into supporting everyone at Ashlar House.

I am sure I speak for many of the relatives of people with autism in wanting to thank the often unsung carers that have made such a huge difference to people like my brother."

Thank you Rachel for your kind compliments, we feel proud to work with and support an incredible group of people.

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