Latest News Share Your Experience of Safeguarding in Leeds The Advonet Group are currently running a project called "talk to me, hear my voice: hear my safeguarding story" and they would like to hear people's experience of safeguarding in Leeds - what was good and what could have been better? They would like to make as many people's voices heard as possible. If you or someone you know has experience of safeguarding in Leeds, they'd love to hear from you. They do not need, and will not ask for, people's personal details. If people choose to give any personal details, they will not be used when they share people's stories with the Safeguarding Adults Board. The Safeguarding Adults Board will only use people's stories to improve people’s experience of safeguarding in the future. The Safeguarding Feedback Project is for: People in Leeds who have experience of being under safeguarding Parents, carers and partners of people with experience of safeguarding Care or support staff who have supported anyone through a safeguarding process Take the survey here. People can also take part in interviews, either over the phone or on Zoom, so if this is something you'd like to do, contact us by clicking this link, and we'll put you in touch with Advonet. Manage Cookie Preferences