We're In The Paper AGAIN! 

Leeds Autism Services are featured in Yorkshire Evening Post, for the second time this week!

As part of a series of stories run by the newspaper for Autism Awareness Week our Chief Executive, Pete Hughes, was interviewed by journalists to explain his passion for promoting neurodiversity and breaking down common stereotypes about autism.

Read The Article

You can read the Yorkshire Evening Post article online.

You can also purchase a copy of todays newspaper from your local newsagents or supermarket. 

Promoting Neurodiversity

As well as supporting people to thrive within our community here in Leeds, we also aim to change attitudes towards autistic people.

We campaign for the rights and recognition of autistic people, and believe that education and understanding of autism is the key to creating a more autism friendly society. We work with families, communities and businesses to encourage a better understanding of autism and are able to provide information, advice, bespoke training and consultancy.

LAS have over 30 years of experience supporting adults with autism in a range of settings including residential, domiciliary, vocational and community based. Our charity wants to promote the idea that adults with autism can live fulfilled lives, and make a positive contribution to society. We believe that increased understanding of autism spectrum conditions is a major key to achieving this vision.

Thank you to Yorkshire Evening Post for featuring our article during Autism Awareness Week and helping us to work towards our goal of creating an autism friendly society for all.