Many parents or guardians currently have to juggle multiple full time jobs: parenting, schooling, working, etc. In fact, 1.4 billion children are now at home, and in the UK alone, there are 4.6 million households with dependent children aged under 16 years where all parents/guardians in the household are working.

Parent Gym is here to help. They have developed a suite of digital, bite-sized free modules, called “eWorkouts” to help parents and guardians, not just cope, but conquer… even in the toughest of moments!

Whether you are a parent, sibling, grandparent, aunt, uncle or guardian, there is support available to help you develop skills to improve the relationships you have with the children in your life.
Check out their website today for these free eWorkout modules - they should only take you 10 minutes to complete which is the perfect time for a tea break!
Discover the suite of eWorkouts -
Even if you are not a parent or guardian yourself, these resources could be useful to someone you know. Don't forget sharing is caring!