NATURAL WELLBEING: How can living more simply help us take care of ourselves, our planet and each other?


WHEN:  Thursday 24th June, 7pm

WHERE: Online Via Zoom


Join this special event with renowned activist and author Satish Kumar, to discover how living more simply can boost your wellbeing!

Satish Kumar is a long-term peace activist and campaigner for wellbeing and environmental issues. He wants to see a shift in priorities away from economic growth, towards growth in our overall wellbeing. By living in a simpler and more sustainable way, he believes we can be happier and resolve many of the issues in our society.

Satish will explore how a focus on simplicity and kindness can boost our wellbeing help us and live in a way that celebrates the wonder of nature and embraces the diversity of human culture, with much less stress. He'll remind us that we are all part of the same ecosystem and share inspiring actions we can take to care better for ourselves, our planet and each other.

Hope to see you there!