As restrictions continue to ease, people who have not been able to access face-to-face services may be wondering when their support can start again. 

There is still a lot of uncertainty about how the next stage of the government's roadmap will affect us, and the last thing we want to do is give people their support back, only to take it away again. We need to take a very careful, gradual, and well thought out approach to opening things up again. 

The government currently class day services in the same category as support groups. This means we are not allowed to have more than 30 people in our buildings at a time. Under these rules our bases are already close to full capacity. 

At the moment, it is also difficult for us to provide full staffing levels due to restrictions on the movement of care workers between settings, and having a number of VACS staff redeployed to our residential service. However, if all goes to plan, we should have everyone's full support back in place by the end of summer. 

We appreciate people may be having problems without their support being in place, and we will give priority to anyone who is: 

  • having difficulties with their behaviour at home
  • experiencing difficulties with their mental health due to a lack of face-to-face support, or caring responsibilities 
  • having difficulties managing work or home life due to caring responsibilities
  • At risk of harm 

If you are experiencing any of these issues, please contact us immediately, and we will do our best to help. 

Click here to read our full exit plan