It's time to take a break for your wellbeing

Texting, emailing, Skype and Zoom calling, virtual parties and online quizzes are all the rage right now as we try to cater to our social wellbeing needs. But this can also mean we are glued to our screens for an unhealthy amount of time.

Research has shown that too much screen time is linked to headaches, migraines, eyestrain, sleep deprivation, and can also have a negative impact on brain functioning (e.g. slower processing speed, shorter attention span, and deterioration in memory)

How to De-Screen:

  • Don't always carry your phone around
  • Take a day off
  • Allow yourself to be bored
  • Try a family Switch off

So why not spend some time being "Deviceless" and start living in the moment! Download our Lockdown and Tech Overload guide

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