Here at LAS we like to celebrate Feel Good Fridays 🙌

Feel Good Fridays are all about starting and ending your day with things that make you feel good. Why not use this time to try and start new healthy habits? 👍


Planning the week ahead can be a really useful tool in supporting your health and wellbeing. You might want to create plans for your meals, exercise, or even bedtime routines. By planning ahead you are more likely to stick to the goals you set yourself and it can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Be Kind

Being kind and giving time to others can be a great way to benefit your own wellbeing. Why not give a helping hand to a friend or neighbour, or do something nice for a colleague at work to make them feel valued. Whatever you decide to do for someone else, know that you will both benefit greatly from it.

Be Grateful

End your day by writing down 3 things you are grateful for. This could be as simple as:

  1. I went for a walk and felt better for it
  2. A friend made me a cup of tea
  3. I enjoyed helping someone today

Ending the day with a positive mindset can really give you that Feel Good Friday feeling and help you wind down for a good night’s sleep.


Try dedicating at least 20 minutes each day to something that will help you improve. This could be reading about a topic you are interested in, signing up for an online course, watching an educational video, playing an instrument, or even balancing in a yoga pose, the list goes on!

Whatever you decided to do, make sure it makes you feel good and helps you build healthy habits 🌟