Learning Disability and Autism services from across Leeds have joined together to promote digital inclusion, and have released a new video showcasing opportunities for people to interact online in all sorts of creative ways.


The Autism & Learning Disability Digital Inclusion Network (ALaDDIN) represents the collaboration of 20 third-sector organisations in the city, to improve digital inclusion and participation for people with autism or learning disabilities. The aim is to make Leeds a digitally inclusive city for everyone.

Forum Central have created a publicity campaign to coincide with Get Online Week (19-25 October) to showcase how each organisation has creatively responded to the pandemic. You can find out more by visiting https://forumcentral.org.uk/new-digital-inclusion-video-from-aladdin/ 

LAS Involvement

Look out for LAS featuring in the video (about 5mins 30secs in) and listen for a special voice over from someone you may recognise. 

Our CEO, Pete Hughes, is quoted in the Forum Central campaign and says

“when the first national lockdown came into force, we very suddenly lost face-to-face contact with the vast majority of people we support, almost overnight.  Along with many other services in the city we had to adapt very quickly to keep in touch with people, and make sure they were able to get the support they need.  It has been a credit to the people we support, their families, and our staff to see how quickly they’ve adapted to new ways of working.  There has been a lots of trial and error, plenty of laughs, and a few tears along the way, but getting people online has been worth every bit of hard work.”

We've shared the video on the LAS Facebook and Twitter pages so go take a look and help us share the great work far and wide!