Covid-19 Vaccine: understanding and support  

People Matters are running a survey with people with learning disabilities about their views and concerns about having the COVID 19 vaccine when it becomes available.

The survey is being run through survey monkey and is open to people with learning disabilities, staff and carers. People Matters are asking staff to help support their members to complete the survey and aim to share the results with other organisations across the city.

About The Survey

This is an anonymous five minute survey about what support you may need around the COVID-19 vaccine. If you would like more detailed information on this survey, please read below.

What is the purpose of this survey?

It is expected that a COVID-19 vaccine will begin to be rolled out across the UK in the near future. 

People Matters would like to know more about the views of people involved in the health and social care sector around this vaccine so that we can better support people to make decisions about whether to have the vaccine, and to get the vaccine if they wish to do so. 

Take the Survey

Link to the survey - Covid-19 Vaccine Survey

This survey is 10 questions, should take no more than 5 minutes, and is completely anonymous. 

You are under no obligation to take part and can withdraw at any time. 

The team at People Matters really appreciate you filling in this survey. If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]