The Prime Minister made an announcement about changes to the lockdown rules due to the Covid-19 outbreak. These new rules start on Monday, 15th June 2020.

The new rules involve changes to:

  • Public transport - buses and trains
  • Hospitals
  • Shops re-opening
  • Face coverings

We’ve put together an easy-read information sheet to help explain how recent changes to the rules around covid19 may affect the people we support. You can download it here

We will continue to keep in touch with service users and their families to provide any help or advice that they need 👍

Covid19 Rule Changes (June 15)  Page 1

Covid19 Rule Changes (15 June) Page 2

Covid19 Rule Changes (15 June) Page 3

Covid19 Rule Changes (15 June) Page 4

If you have any questions or are worried about any of the changes, you can speak to a member of staff at LAS.