Being Employed Leeds is a website that provides easy read and accessible information for people looking for employment or training to get a job in Leeds.

Visit Being Employed Leeds website

Website Launch

The website has been recently launched and Through the Maze ran a successful 'Ask Us Drop In' workshop in June to help people learn more about the new features of the accessible Being Employed Leeds website.

The online event demonstrated: 

  • How to navigate the Being Employed Leeds website
  • Different parts of the website that make it easier to read
  • How to listen to the website if you find reading difficult
  • Attendees had the chance to give feedback on any changes or improvements to make the site easier to use

Find Your New Role Today

If your looking for work, paid or voluntary, find out about all the opportunities available in Leeds on the newly designed website - 

Banner photos by Atoms on Unsplash and Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels