We are looking for volunteers for the 2024 AutistiCon event. Read this page to find out more, and register if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. 

Leeds Playhouse, Playhouse Square, Quarry Hill, Leeds LS2 7UP

Tuesday 11th June, event opens 0930 - 1630, volunteers wanted between 0800 - 1700. 

Who can volunteer? 
Any adult can volunteer at the event, but we are especially interested in volunteers who are autistic / neurodivergent themselves. 

Unfortunately, under 18s are not permitted to volunteer at this event. 

Will I get any training? 
We'll try our best to make sure our volunteers know what they are doing on the day, and will provide an opportunity to visit the Playhouse and have a look round before the day of the event. 

Volunteer Roles

We have identified several roles that volunteers can take part in, but are open to hearing other ideas from people who would like to help out at the event. 

The roles we have identified are: 

Technical Support
This will involve helping people to set up before the event, and pack everything away at the end of the event. We'd also like someone to be able to record and / or stream videos of the talks and performances at the event. 

Meet and Greet
This will involve welcoming people into the event, handing out event programmes etc. 

This involves helping people to find their way around the event, and answering questions from attendees about the event. 

To take pictures of the event, both in the main hall and in the theatre where the speeches and performances will be taking place. 

Back stage / on-stage support
This will involve helping to ensure guest speakers and performers know their way around the venue, making sure they are on and off stage at the correct times, and providing help for them if they need it. You may also liaise with the Playhouse staff if there are any technical issues. 

If you are interested in volunteering at AutistiCon 2024, please hit the button below: 

Sign me up!


What happens after I register to volunteer? 
One of our team will get in touch by the end of May to talk things through and find out a bit more about how you can help. 

Once we have a volunteer team in place, we'll arrange a visit to Leeds Playhouse where we will guide you through your volunteering responsibilities. 

If I register, will I definitely be able to volunteer? 
We can't guarantee that everyone who volunteers will be given the opportunity to help out, but we will try our best to make sure as many applicants as possible are able to volunteer at the event. 

Will I need to volunteer for the whole day?
No. We realise that some people might find it difficult to take part for the whole day, so people can offer to volunteer for whatever hours they think they can manage. 

Will there be help for volunteers on the day if they need it?
Yes. Most of the AutistiCon steering group members will be around for the event, and will be happy to provide any assistance they can for our volunteers. 

Register now