Open Country is a Yorkshire-based charity with over 30 years of experience in enabling people with disabilities to access and enjoy the countryside.

They have recently launched a series of free 'Breakfree' Trail Packs, to help make the countryside more accessible. 

The packs include individual route cards give a detailed trail description of the terrain, gates or barriers, the gradient, as well as features of interest including play areas, wildlife watching opportunities and information boards.

The route cards also include the public transport options and list if there is a cafe and WC facilities and whether these are accessible to all.

Packs cover a number of Yorkshire walks and trails, including Leeds and Wakefield. 

You can email Open Country to ask for free packs to be delivered by post, or you can download them from the Open Country website. 

Request a pack   Download a pack

Find out more about the Open Country Breakfree packs here: 

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